Smart Meters : An Overview
In the past three decades in America alone, "smart meters" have been installed in over 110 million homes and workplaces. Notification, explanation and public discussion of this technology has been typically extremely limited - at most a few pages in small print in your monthly utility bill, that you missed or quickly forgot.
A wealth of scientific studies, however, indicate the effects of smart meters on your health may not be so innocuous. We address what smart meters are, do - and can do to you - in our
Resource Article : Smart Meters
In this article you'll learn what you can do to
- Avoid having one installed on your home at all or
- If one's already been installed, have it replaced with a much safer analog meter.
- Find out what other people have done and are doing to fight this harmful technology.
- Contact and work with smart meter activists in your local area.
- Protect yourself from other EMF exposures in your home/workplace/life.
In the meantime, nevertheless, you may also want to take steps to reduce your EMF-related health risks from smart meters immediately.
In the past three decades in America alone, "smart meters" have been installed in over 110 million homes and workplaces. Notification, explanation and public discussion of this technology has been typically extremely limited - at most a few pages in small print in your monthly utility bill, that you missed or quickly forgot.
A wealth of scientific studies, however, indicate the effects of smart meters on your health may not be so innocuous. We address what smart meters are, do - and can do to you - in our
Resource Article : Smart Meters
In this article you'll learn what you can do to
- Avoid having one installed on your home at all or
- If one's already been installed, have it replaced with a much safer analog meter.
- Find out what other people have done and are doing to fight this harmful technology.
- Contact and work with smart meter activists in your local area.
- Protect yourself from other EMF exposures in your home/workplace/life.
In the meantime, nevertheless, you may also want to take steps to reduce your EMF-related health risks from smart meters immediately.
What You Can Do NOW
EMF exposures from smart meters are basically of two kinds - Dirty Electricity (DE) and Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation. For full protection you'll need to address both.
1) Protect Yourself From RADIOFREQUENCY (RF) RADIATION From Your Smart Meter
RF radiation is generated by the WiFi component in a smart meter, that transmits data on your power to the power company - in some cases, thousands of times a day.
Other RF exposures in your home and workplace include your cell phones, tablet, laptop and PC computer, routers, video game equipment and baby monitors (and more). Exposures from these devices can be neutralized by our Harmonic Shield EMF Protection Technology But RF from smart meters is considerably stronger, and for this purpose we recommend the
Aulterra Whole House USB
The Aulterra Whole House USB counteracts the effects of RF radiation on the human body, as born out by impressive laboratory testing. It's intended for LARGE AREA RF protection in a space of up to 5000 square feet. Beside smart meters, it protects against powerful RF sources entering the home or workplace from outside (5G networks and equipment, nearby cell phone towers).
The Aulterra Whole House USB also protects against strong RF sources in hotel and motel rooms while traveling. At the point, smart meter rollout in hotels/motels is virtually universal.
When used as protection against smart meters, it's recommended to also apply an Aulterra Neutralizer Patch to the smart meter itself - click images for more.
The Aulterra Whole House USB also protects against strong RF sources in hotel and motel rooms while traveling. At the point, smart meter rollout in hotels/motels is virtually universal.
When used as protection against smart meters, it's recommended to also apply an Aulterra Neutralizer Patch to the smart meter itself - click images for more.
2) Protect Yourself Against DIRTY ELECTRICITY (DE) From Smart Meters and Other
DE Producing Devices.
Dirty electricity is unusable electromagnetic energy created by many electrical devices as they operate. It's caused by interference in the normal flow of power through wires and electrical systems, that project into the home or workplace environment as chaotic energy, harmful to biological functions.
Various devices contribute to dirty electricity, including some that help save energy costs - among these solar panels, dimmer switches and compact fluorescent bulbs. Smart Meters are an especially strong and intrusive source of dirty electricity. To protect yourself from dirty electricity from your smart meter - or in your electrical system overall - we recommend
Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters
Click image to learn more
Greenwave Dirty Electric Filters eliminate dirty electricity in electrical wiring systems in homes and other buildings. Use one filter for each electrical circuit in your home or office - simply plug filters into electrical outlets for immediate results. Filters include a built-in outlet at their base for plug-through convenience. Results can be measured easily with the Greenwave's EMI Dirty Electricity Meter (sold separately).
Greenwave Dirty Electric Filters eliminate dirty electricity in electrical wiring systems in homes and other buildings. Use one filter for each electrical circuit in your home or office - simply plug filters into electrical outlets for immediate results. Filters include a built-in outlet at their base for plug-through convenience. Results can be measured easily with the Greenwave's EMI Dirty Electricity Meter (sold separately).
To Review
- Protect yourself from Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation from your cell phone, routers, tablet/laptop/desktop computers and other consumer electronic devices with our EMF protection technology, The Harmonic Shield.
- Protect large areas against stronger EMF sources such as smart meters, 5G networks and nearby cell towers with the Aulterra Whole House USB.
- Protect yourself against Dirty Electricity from smart meters, solar energy systems and other power circuit overloads/mismatches with the Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filter.
Be thorough and systematic to protect yourself and your loved ones now !
Questions, requests ? Contact
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Jeff and Rose Smith Living Waters Wellness Products [email protected] Cell/WhatsApp/Text : 1 (916) 962 2685 |