EMF Exposures in Your Home and Workplace Environments PRACTICAL STEPS to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones |
Sources of EMF in Our Home and Workplace Environments Include
- Cell and Cordless Phones
- Tablet, Laptop and PC Computers
- Alexa
- Monitors, Printers and Routers
- Video Game Controllers and Base Stations
- Televisions
- Microwave Ovens, Hair Dryers and Other Plug-in Electrical Devices
- Home and Workplace Main Power Circuits
- High Voltage Electrical Transmission Lines
- Local Electrical Power Substations
- Cell Phone Towers/Masts Near Homes, Schools and Workplaces
- Smart Meters
- 5G Equipment and Networks
Radiofrequency (RF or WiFi) radiation and other EMF sources around us have increased both in number and intensity. The World Health Organization dedicates part of its website to EMF radiation exposure - yet most people still know little about this problem. It’s a field of research that deserves your attention. For a brief but effective overview of this "sleeper" issue by doctors and scientists, visit.
The EMF Dilemma : A Problem the Law Hasn't Caught Up To
As study of potential ill effects of EMF continues, some European countries are embracing the precautionary principle concerning EMF exposure. France, Germany, and the UK, for instance, now discourage the use of wireless networks in schools and public libraries. While this is a hopeful development, expansion of wireless technologies remains explosive ; and in the U.S., regulation of EMF health risks lags far behind.
In the meantime, though, there are things you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones. Here are some ways to start :
For EMF Exposures Impossible to Avoid by Other Means
Not all home and workplace EMF exposures can be remedied with the measures above. For these cases we've researched, use and recommend the following measures :
- Cell and Cordless Phones
- Tablet, Laptop and PC Computers
- Alexa
- Monitors, Printers and Routers
- Video Game Controllers and Base Stations
- Televisions
- Microwave Ovens, Hair Dryers and Other Plug-in Electrical Devices
- Home and Workplace Main Power Circuits
- High Voltage Electrical Transmission Lines
- Local Electrical Power Substations
- Cell Phone Towers/Masts Near Homes, Schools and Workplaces
- Smart Meters
- 5G Equipment and Networks
Radiofrequency (RF or WiFi) radiation and other EMF sources around us have increased both in number and intensity. The World Health Organization dedicates part of its website to EMF radiation exposure - yet most people still know little about this problem. It’s a field of research that deserves your attention. For a brief but effective overview of this "sleeper" issue by doctors and scientists, visit.
The EMF Dilemma : A Problem the Law Hasn't Caught Up To
As study of potential ill effects of EMF continues, some European countries are embracing the precautionary principle concerning EMF exposure. France, Germany, and the UK, for instance, now discourage the use of wireless networks in schools and public libraries. While this is a hopeful development, expansion of wireless technologies remains explosive ; and in the U.S., regulation of EMF health risks lags far behind.
In the meantime, though, there are things you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones. Here are some ways to start :
- Put distance between yourself and EMF sources. The effects of electromagnetic fields diminish with distance. When possible, stand back from electric and electronic devices when in use, and keep them away from where you rest or sleep.
- Turn off your home wireless/WiFi router at night. Just unplug the power cord at the back of the router, and reconnect it in the morning. It may also be possible to wire your home WiFi to a timer.
- Text more, talk less. Your phones emits less radiation when sending texts, than when sending voice communications.
- Use cell phones in speaker mode whenever possible, rather than against your head. The amount of radiation absorbed by your head and body decreases dramatically with even a small distance.
- If possible, employ hands-free accessories to keep your mobile phone away from your body. If using a headset, use a wired connection if possible - or best of all, an "air tube" type headset. If wireless, be sure to take off the headset/earpiece when you’re not on a call.
- Call when your phone signal is strong. Fewer signal bars/lower remaining charge mean the phone must work harder to broadcast its signal. Research shows that radiation exposure increases dramatically when your cell phone signals are weak.
- Don’t store your phone in your pocket or on a belt clip if possible - and definitely not under your pillow ! When a phone is on and not in use, it still sends out an intermittent signal to connect with nearby cell phone towers, which means radiation exposure is still happening.
- Laptops should not be placed on your lap at all ! If you’re going to use a laptop for long periods of time, use an accessory keyboard and mouse to reduce EMF exposure.
- Replace older TV or desktop monitors with LCD (liquid crystal display) screens. These emit far less radiation than the older CRT technology.
- Where possible, unplug electrical devices that aren’t in use, such as microwaves, TVs, computers and video game equipment. This is especially important in your bedroom. Radiation emitted by plugged in electrical devices can disrupt production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, even when the devices are turned off. As much as possible, make your bedroom an EMF-free zone.
- Extreme caution is encouraged with electric blankets and heating pads, implicated in cancers of several kinds. Rubber hot water bottles are an old school solution still popular in many European countries. At the very most, use an electric blanket to warm your bed before you get in - but then unplug it entirely.
- Commit to a digital sabbatical at least once a week. Take a day off from your PC, laptop, or tablet, and as many other electronic and electrical devices as possible. Consider a weekend camping night with your kids – even in your own backyard. Or go on a hike with the family, or some other fun outdoor activity, minus the constant checking of email and social media
- Wherever possible, favor wired internet connections over wireless ones, and instead use an ethernet cable. A good example of this can be seen in video games, where EMF readings decrease dramatically, both for base unit and controller, when an ethernet cable is used.
- Choose lighting fixtures that emit the least EMF possible at home or in your office. This lighting guide by the folks at Powerwatch is an excellent reference.
- Reduce EMF pollution at home through houseplants. The recent Clean Air Study by NASA recommended specific air-filtering, positive ion absorbing plants that reduce benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and ammonia – as well as EMF – in indoor air. These plants include bamboo palm, weeping fig, and flamingo lilies. Here’s an infographic on these plants.
- If you work in a daycare center, kindergarten or school, do all you can to prevent electrosmog pollution. This would include learning about the effects of WiFi on children, and the harmful effects of "wired classrooms". It might also include advocating against installing wireless access points near schools.
- Limit TV and computer hours of children, especially those below the age of 12. Work towards a “digital compromise” with your kids. In a best possible world, mobile phones would be used only for emergencies by children under 16. As a start, build in curfews on electronics use an hour or two before bedtime.
- Also turn off your own electronics at least an hour before bedtime. For most of us this is where the real battle begins – but it’s also where the benefits begin, in terms of replenishment and sleep.
For EMF Exposures Impossible to Avoid by Other Means
Not all home and workplace EMF exposures can be remedied with the measures above. For these cases we've researched, use and recommend the following measures :
- Before you move into any home, take note if there are any powerful EMF sources such as high voltage power lines or electrical power substations nearby ; and if so, think twice about living there. Also take note if there are any 5G or cell phone towers nearby. If so, test radiofrequency radiation (RF) levels in the neighborhood with an RF radiation test meter, or have it checked professionally. If RF readings are excessively high, again, think twice about living there !
- If you learn one of these technologies or others such as a smart meter or 5G networks/equipment - are to be installed in or near your home or community, join together with neighbors to resist it !
- If you already have a cell tower, smart meter or 5G network in or near your home, protect yourself and your loved ones from harmful radiofrequency (RF) radiation with this helpful and effective protective technology
- Counteract the effects of RF from your consumer electronic devices on your body substantially with our own Harmonic Shield EMF protection technology.
- Patch any “leaks” in your home electric circuitry. You may not be able to avoid EMF from the wiring in your walls entirely - but improvements may be possible. Test the electrical circuits in your home or have them checked professionally for dirty electricity , and to be sure they’re properly grounded. If appropriate, add easy to use dirty electricity filters.
EMF Protection Products We Recommend
An Absolutely Core Issue : Your Eyesight
Take steps to protect yourself from the high energy blue light emitted by your device monitors. The intense light generated by computer, cell phone and other electronics screens lets these devices be more energy efficient - but also has downside effects.
With extended use blue light can contribute to headaches, eye strain and eventually, macular (retinal) degeneration. It also disrupts the body's circadian (day-night) rhythm and suppresses production of melatonin. Besides disturbing sleep, research shows that this may also contribute to obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
To protect yourself from high energy blue light :
- Limit your computer and other screen use as possible
- If you must work on the computer for extended periods, take regular breaks
and drink adequate water
- Have your eyes checked intermittently to see if you need glasses for close work
- When using your devices at night, always keep a second light source on
- Use monitor screen filters that protect against the effects of blue light
- Use blue light filter controls built into your cell phone and other devices
- Learn about and wear protective blue light filtering lenses.
Optometrists are well aware of this issue, and protective technology is available for prescription lenses. Note : other sources of high energy blue light include televisions, video gaming equipment, fluorescent lights and energy efficient lighting, such as CFL bulbs and LED lighting.
Don't Just Defend - Take Initiative !
To view this theme from a different angle, consider ways to replenish the forces EMF depletes. Take EMF as an incentive to seriously and systematically address your health. Develop and strengthen a personal wellness program for yourself - go deep and go holistic !
- Again, one of the first and constant things to attend to in an EMF saturated environment is hydration. Water is the universal bearer of life, a buffer against the effects of EMF, and among fluids, the best for the needs of human life. Other healthy beverages are of course also helpful - but sweetened (including artificially sweetened) beverages foster an acid environment in the body, conducive over time to cancer and other illnesses.
- It’s also possible to buffer the effects of EMF through appropriate nutrition. We can point out some general guidelines for an upbuilding diet – but a few bear immediate mention. Root vegetables – vegetables parts that grow under the earth - have particularly upbuilding effects for the human head and nervous system (and also for the skin). Among these vegetables are carrots, beets, turnips, sweet potatoes, parsnips, rutabagas and kohlrabi. Moderate amounts of raw vegetables as snacks or in salads or slaws, and fermented vegetables like kimchi and sauerkraut, have similar effects.
- The value of regular exercise and getting outdoors frequently should also not be underestimated. This opens the door, so to speak, to the theme of cosmic nutrition – something few people are aware of, but which you may find makes immediate sense.
- Prayer and meditation (e.g. mindfulness meditation) reduce stress and reconnect us to our environment – inner, outer and social – in ways research indicates also support physical health.
EMF Safety Activism
- Last but not least, take real initiative in the world you live in. EMF related harm will not go away on its own. Let this challenge to all of our well being mobilize you to take part in the EMF safety movement . Many scientists, doctors and other health professionals are already speaking up, and they need your help. Look into the groups in the article below, learn more about EMF related issues - and join the fight for safer technology !
You, Me, We Together : EMF Activism
Take steps to protect yourself from the high energy blue light emitted by your device monitors. The intense light generated by computer, cell phone and other electronics screens lets these devices be more energy efficient - but also has downside effects.
With extended use blue light can contribute to headaches, eye strain and eventually, macular (retinal) degeneration. It also disrupts the body's circadian (day-night) rhythm and suppresses production of melatonin. Besides disturbing sleep, research shows that this may also contribute to obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
To protect yourself from high energy blue light :
- Limit your computer and other screen use as possible
- If you must work on the computer for extended periods, take regular breaks
and drink adequate water
- Have your eyes checked intermittently to see if you need glasses for close work
- When using your devices at night, always keep a second light source on
- Use monitor screen filters that protect against the effects of blue light
- Use blue light filter controls built into your cell phone and other devices
- Learn about and wear protective blue light filtering lenses.
Optometrists are well aware of this issue, and protective technology is available for prescription lenses. Note : other sources of high energy blue light include televisions, video gaming equipment, fluorescent lights and energy efficient lighting, such as CFL bulbs and LED lighting.
Don't Just Defend - Take Initiative !
To view this theme from a different angle, consider ways to replenish the forces EMF depletes. Take EMF as an incentive to seriously and systematically address your health. Develop and strengthen a personal wellness program for yourself - go deep and go holistic !
- Again, one of the first and constant things to attend to in an EMF saturated environment is hydration. Water is the universal bearer of life, a buffer against the effects of EMF, and among fluids, the best for the needs of human life. Other healthy beverages are of course also helpful - but sweetened (including artificially sweetened) beverages foster an acid environment in the body, conducive over time to cancer and other illnesses.
- It’s also possible to buffer the effects of EMF through appropriate nutrition. We can point out some general guidelines for an upbuilding diet – but a few bear immediate mention. Root vegetables – vegetables parts that grow under the earth - have particularly upbuilding effects for the human head and nervous system (and also for the skin). Among these vegetables are carrots, beets, turnips, sweet potatoes, parsnips, rutabagas and kohlrabi. Moderate amounts of raw vegetables as snacks or in salads or slaws, and fermented vegetables like kimchi and sauerkraut, have similar effects.
- The value of regular exercise and getting outdoors frequently should also not be underestimated. This opens the door, so to speak, to the theme of cosmic nutrition – something few people are aware of, but which you may find makes immediate sense.
- Prayer and meditation (e.g. mindfulness meditation) reduce stress and reconnect us to our environment – inner, outer and social – in ways research indicates also support physical health.
EMF Safety Activism
- Last but not least, take real initiative in the world you live in. EMF related harm will not go away on its own. Let this challenge to all of our well being mobilize you to take part in the EMF safety movement . Many scientists, doctors and other health professionals are already speaking up, and they need your help. Look into the groups in the article below, learn more about EMF related issues - and join the fight for safer technology !
You, Me, We Together : EMF Activism