EMF Protection in Your Home and Workplace Environments
EMF Protection
Look at the Big Picture - And Take a Deep Breath !
The sources of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in our lives today have become not just more numerous, but more powerful. To realize this may at first seem overwhelming. It's not something we can safely ignore - but it's also not impossible !
Dealing with this challenge will take a comprehensive approach, including ways to
- Recognize the main kinds and sources of EMF in your home and workplace environments, and the variety of health risks they pose.
- Where possible, reduce exposures in your home and workplace environments.
- Strengthen yourself as a whole person of body, soul and spirit in the face of this onslaught.
To help you make a start we've created two great overview articles on ways to reduce your health risks from from EMF - many inexpensive or free. We're proud of these articles, and we'll share them both below. But there are also exposures that can't be avoided by other measures, and that need your attention first. Fortunately there are protective technologies available that can reduce your health risks from EMF significantly. We'll start with these first.
Protect Yourself Against EMF Exposures
UNAVOIDABLE by Other Means
In some cases, EMF can neither be eliminated nor avoided - but there are technologies that counteract its effects on health. We'll present several of these, according to the different kinds of EMF they protect against, and the amplitude of exposure.
We've researched and use all these products ourselves on an ongoing basis. Not least in our considerations : they last. They have no moving parts and their component materials do not wear out. Once you have any of these products and put it to work, you will not have to replace it !
From Your Cell Phone and Other Consumer Electronic Devices
Radiofrequency radiation (RF radiation) is generated by the WiFi component in your electronic devices. Exposures in your home and workplace include your cell phones, tablet, laptop and PC computer, routers, video game equipment, baby monitors and more. Reduce exposures and harm from your electronic devices where possible - but for exposures unavoidable by other means, counteract the effects of RF with our own
Harmonic Shield EMF Protection Technology
The Harmonic Shield EMF Protection - Learn More !
2) Protect Yourself From More Powerful EMF Sources - Including
Those Entering Your Home or Workplace From OUTSIDE
A first example of these stronger EMF sources are smart meters. Over 100 million of these have been installed in America alone in recent decades, with very little public discussion of health risks, or notice to those in homes/workplaces when they were installed. A smart meter transmits data on your power usage to your power company - in some cases, thousands of times a day. The RF they emit is also much more powerful than that from consumer devices. To protect yourself from RF from smart meters, we recommend
The Aulterra Whole House USB
2) Protect Yourself From More Powerful EMF Sources - Including
Those Entering Your Home or Workplace From OUTSIDE
A first example of these stronger EMF sources are smart meters. Over 100 million of these have been installed in America alone in recent decades, with very little public discussion of health risks, or notice to those in homes/workplaces when they were installed. A smart meter transmits data on your power usage to your power company - in some cases, thousands of times a day. The RF they emit is also much more powerful than that from consumer devices. To protect yourself from RF from smart meters, we recommend
The Aulterra Whole House USB
The Whole House USB counteracts the effects of RF radiation on the human body, as born out by impressive laboratory testing. Intended for LARGE AREA EMF protection, it can protect against RF in an area of up to 5000 square feet.
Aulterra Whole House USB
Aulterra Neutralizer 3 Pack
Beside smart meters, the Aulterra Whole House USB protects against other powerful RF sources entering from outside your home or workplace, such as that from 5G networks and equipment, and nearby Cell Phone Towers. These strong - but easily overlooked - external exposures are well addressed by the Aulterra Whole House USB, and by other Aulterra EMF protection products.
The Aulterrra Whole House and Whole Car USB : Learn More
Additional Aulterra EMF Protection Products
3) Protect Yourself Against DIRTY ELECTRICITY (DE)
From Smart Meters and Other DE Producing Devices
Dirty electricity is unusable electromagnetic energy created by many electrical devices as they operate. It's caused by interruptions in the normal flow of power through an electrical system, that project into the home or workplace as chaotic energy, harmful to biological functions. This is caused mainly by mismatches between electric and electronic devices - often multiple such devices - and wiring systems unable to adequately bear them.
The Aulterrra Whole House and Whole Car USB : Learn More
Additional Aulterra EMF Protection Products
3) Protect Yourself Against DIRTY ELECTRICITY (DE)
From Smart Meters and Other DE Producing Devices
Dirty electricity is unusable electromagnetic energy created by many electrical devices as they operate. It's caused by interruptions in the normal flow of power through an electrical system, that project into the home or workplace as chaotic energy, harmful to biological functions. This is caused mainly by mismatches between electric and electronic devices - often multiple such devices - and wiring systems unable to adequately bear them.
Various devices contribute to dirty electricity, including some that help save energy costs - among these solar panels and their associated hardware, dimmer switches and compact fluorescent bulbs. |
Smart meters (resource) (resource) are also an especially strong and intrusive source of dirty electricity. Your best choice to eliminate dirty electricity from smart meters and overburdened electrical wiring systems, in our opinion, is the Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filter |
In hot weather, air conditioning systems are another major source of dirty electricity. We discovered this recently on a trip to Texas, visiting family. I noticed increasingly poor sleep over a period of several nights, marked tiredness, and a feeling of tension in my head and kidney areas that I've felt before in high EMF environments. |
I awoke one night feeling as if my head was literally being squeezed, and in that moment realized that a) we hadn't unpacked our EMF travel devices, and that b) the AC, which ran almost 24/7, might be a factor in my discomfort. I got up and plugged in our two devices, and felt my tension subside almost immediately. I then fell asleep and slept through until morning for the first time, feeling significantly more rested when I awoke. When I tracked down the (large) house AC unit in the morning, I located it behind a door ..... just outside our room. On following nights, with our devices in place, my sleep was noticeably better.
Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters eliminate dirty electricity present on electrical wiring in homes and other buildings. Use one filter for each electrical circuit |
in your home or office - use three, for instance, for a one bedroom apartment or house. Simply plug a filter into electrical wall outlets for immediate results. |
Filters also include their own built in electrical outlet for plug-through convenience. Click below to learn more or order !
Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters
4) Use the Same Measures to Protect
Yourself from EMF While You TRAVEL
Stronger EMF sources like smart meters, cell towers and 5G networks tend to be especially concentrated in cities, on freeways and around major tourist destinations. Your EMF protection devices fit easily in luggage and can make a big difference in your sleep and stamina while traveling. Practice these and other measures we recommend in hotels and motels, while flying - and even on your daily commute.
EMF Protection While You Travel
Learn More About EMF and Your Health
In our careers as health professionals we did a lot of teaching, helping people recover from being sick. In retirement we hope to take that a step further, and also help them not get sick. To this end we've gathered a whole variety of articles, videos and other resources related to EMF protection, many of them original.
To help you get started we've created two overview articles on measures you can take - many inexpensive or free. Start with those closest at hand, and add more as you can :
EMF Overload : Protect Yourself !
EMF Overload II : More Practical Measures
To learn more about specific sources of EMF in your life, the effects they cause and additional things you can do to protect yourself, also see our
TheHarmonicEdge.Com SITE MAP
In the meantime, please feel welcome to contact us at any time !
Jeff and Rose Smith
Living Waters Wellness Products
[email protected]
Cell/WhatsApp/Text : 1 (916) 962 2685
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Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters
4) Use the Same Measures to Protect
Yourself from EMF While You TRAVEL
Stronger EMF sources like smart meters, cell towers and 5G networks tend to be especially concentrated in cities, on freeways and around major tourist destinations. Your EMF protection devices fit easily in luggage and can make a big difference in your sleep and stamina while traveling. Practice these and other measures we recommend in hotels and motels, while flying - and even on your daily commute.
EMF Protection While You Travel
Learn More About EMF and Your Health
In our careers as health professionals we did a lot of teaching, helping people recover from being sick. In retirement we hope to take that a step further, and also help them not get sick. To this end we've gathered a whole variety of articles, videos and other resources related to EMF protection, many of them original.
To help you get started we've created two overview articles on measures you can take - many inexpensive or free. Start with those closest at hand, and add more as you can :
EMF Overload : Protect Yourself !
EMF Overload II : More Practical Measures
To learn more about specific sources of EMF in your life, the effects they cause and additional things you can do to protect yourself, also see our
TheHarmonicEdge.Com SITE MAP
In the meantime, please feel welcome to contact us at any time !
Jeff and Rose Smith
Living Waters Wellness Products
[email protected]
Cell/WhatsApp/Text : 1 (916) 962 2685
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