The sources of EMF in our world are not just many and strong today, they're constantly increasing. For an overview of the effects of these forces on HUMAN BEINGS, please also see our page The EMF Dilemma : A Problem the Law Hasn't Caught Up With
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
On the Natural World
EMF Pollution : Things You Can
Actually DO About It
Take Personal Protective Action
As noted, electromagnetic fields can seriously affect human beings ; and EMF sources in our home and workplace environments increase constantly. In our opinion, EMF requires a comprehensive approach - of which no part may safely lack. Here's an overview of ways to protect yourself and your loved ones - many inexpensive or free :
EMF Protection : Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones Now
Take Social and Political Action
Take action with others against excessive EMF in our homes, workplaces and communities : learn about the emerging EMF safety activism movement.
EMF Safety Advocacy & Activism Groups : Take Action Now !
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