Are Your Electronic Devices Causing You HARM ?
Hundreds of scientific research studies indicate YES. Unfortunately though, there's a disconnect between what science tells us about electromagnetic fields (EMF) and health, and the safety standards we set for these technologies. We bring more and more EMF generating devices - and more and more powerful ones - into our homes and workplaces all the time. And this is not to mention EMF from smart meters, cell phone towers and 5G "smart" networks that enter them from outside. EMF generating technologies are built into our cars and trucks, bombard us in the stores where we shop, the streets and neighborhoods where we live. And this raises an important question :
Is There Something We Can DO About It ?
Again - this time fortunately - the answer is a clear yes. EMF exposures are a worldwide challenge and will take a comprehensive approach. But there are measures you can take immediately - and more at your own pace over time.
Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones
For immediate significant relief, we've researched and can provide you several EMF protective technologies you can put in place. We also have an EMF information website you can visit, with more on these products, and on
- The science of EMF and health.
- Additional EMF protection measures you can take - many inexpensive or free !
- Ways to take part in EMF safety activism, both locally and worldwide.
Ask Us About Our Products and Website !
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